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Review Krow Network

A New Way to Work
The Krow Network intends to redesign the way in which the current job market works. By storing all interactions that occur on our platform onto its own unique ledger, we look to create complete transparency between employers and employees, allowing each party to see ratings as well as every prior interaction they've ever made. No longer will there ever be missing pieces to an individual or company's resume, and all interactions (including the bad ones) will all be stored onto an individual/company's own smart resume along with a rating left by the opposite party allowing for complete transparency between a company and potential employee. Upon signing up on our platform, every individual or company receives their own unique smart resume as well as a Krow security number which ties the individual down to only that account, and prevents fraud as that number will be used for all verification on the site. Using double verification, we will be able to only allow 1 smart resume to any individual and up to 5 for any individual starting a company on the platform. This prevents any spam accounts to ever find themselves on the platform, as they would be tarnishing themselves.New Way to Work
The job platform will feature three key subsections, where individuals and companies can participate in online work, internships, and full-time work. Inside of online work, companies of any realm will be able to list any purely online task that needs to be done within a time frame. Once an online job is listed, various individuals will be able to send their smart resume instantly to these companies along with the cost that they desire (negotiations will obviously be available). Internships are tasks that are completed by less experienced individuals, where individuals complete tasks for free/low-cost. In order to gain experience with the platform and new industries, individuals will be able to work in their respective fields in order to build their smart resume. Internships are earned towards students and individuals that may want to change the field in which they work. Full-time work will strictly be for jobs that give out a paycheck within a time interval (weekly,bi-weekly, etc) for employment under the specified company. The full-time section is for any job, as long as both parties have accounts on the platform, allowing virtually any labor interaction to be logged. Never again write a check, we automate the entire process.
Smart Resumes

When first signing up for the platform, every individual will be given their own unique Krow security number as well as their personal smart resume. This resume will track all paychecks that come in and out based on the individual's interactions with companies. Every individual will be able to create their own company, but in order to prevent spam the creation of company resumes will be limited. Once a user is on the platform, they can send their smart resume to companies as an application for a job. Companies will be able to sort through various smart resumes and find the perfect fit for their job. Once the task is complete or the time interval has finished, a paycheck will be processed through a double verification. Once both individuals verify their satisfaction with the interaction and leave their rating on the opposite party's paycheck, the paychecks will be sent and ratings will be displayed on the user's smart resume.

The next phase of our token sale is live March 20! During the next couple of months we will be offering a total of 7,000,000,000 KRW tokens in order to fund our project. Along with the sale, we are offering bonuses of up 100% to our pioneer investors in our Pre-ICO phase, and these bonuses will adjust accordingly throughout the ICO's phases. The sale will begin with an offering of a 100% bonus on tokens until we reach 100 ETH, then a 30% bonus on tokens will occur until 3000 ETH is met (Soft Cap), a 25% bonus on tokens will take over until 7,000 ETH is met, and finally 10% until 10,000 ETH is met (Hard Cap). If our soft cap is met, our token sale will be considered a success and we will have enough funding for our project.
Please understand that this is a crowdfund effort. We are creating an ICO in order to fund the creation of our platform. Our platform intends to redesign the labor market through smart resumes that store interactions of an individual on its own ledger. For more information please see our resources. With that said, please understand that this is a very volatile technology and please understand our project. Currently, there is a 0.1 ETH minimum in order to obtain KRW. With the current bonus, the rate is:
  • 1 ETH = 800 KRW
  • Next Phase Rate: 30% Off
  • Website:

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